918-392-0079 / Injury Consults 918-727-5922

Tulsa Workers Compensation Attorney

If you have suffered a workplace injury, it can take days, weeks, months, or even years to be able to return to the workplace. The unfortunate part of this is that your bills, pain, and family needs do not take a break. Because of this, building pressure can lead to the need to file a workers compensation claim. This program allows you to collect partial wages and medical care for on the job injuries. It seems like a pretty straight forward process however, government agencies and insurance companies can be difficult to deal with, and employers can become unresponsive. When this happens, you’ll need the help of a Tulsa workers compensation attorney.

How We Work For You

You may not be aware about your right to workers compensation benefits until you need them. Irons Law Firm will fight to get you the maximum amount of benefits that you are entitled to. It does not matter if you are a union contractor, part-time or full-time employee, you will be eligible to file for benefits. We understand how the system works and how these applications are reviewed. Over the years we have helped thousands of people file for benefits and get the maximum amount they deserve.

Get The Representation You Deserve

Irons Law Firm gives the personal attention to your case that you expect and deserve from an attorney. We will spend the time to gather the supporting evidence to take your case as far as it needs to go. We will

  • Get witness reports, employer logs, and camera footage
  • Review inspection and accident reports
  • Conduct a full investigation of the accident
  • Investage past accident reports
  • Consult experts
  • Negotiate on your behalf
  • Take all legal action including filing a lawsuit if necessary

In many cases, you only get one shot at a successful claim, so you need someone that can aggressively fight for you and get the job done right.

What Is Workers Comp?

Workers Compensation is an insurance that every employer in Oklahoma must carry as required by law. This insurance covers you in the event of illness or on the job injury. The benefits of workers compensation are

  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earnings
  • Disability benefits
  • Medical expense coverage
  • Death benefits
  • Disfigurement
  • Vocational training

What Should I Do If I Am Injured On The Job?

If you suffer an on the job injury, immediately report it to your eomployer and seek medical treatment right away. Document every detail of your injury and take photographs if possible. Schedule all required followe up visits with your doctor and then contact Tulsa workers compensation attorney, Bryan Irons. We are ready to fight for you and get the maximum benefits you are entitled to.

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